Wednesday 24 June 2020




Indians make maximum mistakes in the use of "the articles" because we do not have "the articles" in our vernacular languages. That is the main reasons why the first chapter of G.C.Whitworth's startling and enchanting book is on "The Articles. Mr. Whitworth came to India in the early 1920s. He studied Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, etc. for many years. Thereafter, this erudite, exemplary, noteworthy, and seasoned scholar of English wrote one of the best ever books in English grammar and usage. The name of this trailblazing and exceptional book is INDIAN ENGLISH. It was published in Lahore in 1932.

I have taken extensive help from this book for highlighting various elements of the use of  "the articles." Three rules enunciated by him should be read, reread, and reread till they become a part of your memory. Apply these rules in finding errors of "the articles" in sentences. 

The last exercise here is from the actual questions of SSC and BANKING exams. Do revise all the previous lessons for getting the grasp of these questions from SSC and Banking exams. That is absolutely indispensable. Every lesson is a bead in a garland. We cannot ignore or abandon any bead. Now, having become conversant with the salient features of Parts of Speech, the process of solving the questions starts with this blog. 


The Articles




There are three articles in English. These are ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’. They are used before nouns for making their sense absolutely clear to the reader or the listener.

The Articles are a sub-class of adjectives; they qualify a noun (a tree), or a noun that is preceded by an adjective (a tall tree).

The words used as ‘the articles’ in English are. A, An, The.

The aforesaid articles qualify the nouns that follow them.


i.     Definite:  There is one the definite article:  the

Examples:  The sun, the earth, the best boy, the Indian Express

ii.     Indefinite:  There are two indefinite articles:  a and an

Examples:  A boy, a box, a tree, a school, an apple, an elephant.


I.              Rule No. 1. No article is put before a noun which is used in an abstract or general sense.

1.    Experience matters.

2.    Entertainment is important for every child.

II.              Rule No. 2. The definite article is put before a noun, which is a particular thing, or alone of its kind, or is separated by definition from other similar things.

1.    Where is the pen that I gave you? (a particular pen)

2.    The best boy has come. (The superlative degree makes a thing alone of its kind.)

3.    The boys of this school are disciplined. (A thing becomes separated and particular when we define it.)

III.              Rule No. 3. The indefinite article is put before a noun that indicates something which is individual but not selected or distinguished from other things of the same kind.

1.      I need a pen.               

2.      A tree fell down.

The use of the indefinite articles, namely ‘a’ and ‘an’ : 

I.          Use of ‘a’:

i.     The letter ‘a’ is used before words beginning with consonant sounds.

A bat, A woman, A holiday, A tree, A year.

ii.      ‘A’ is used also with consonantal ‘U’.

E.g. A union, Au-turn, A European, A eucalyptus, A utopian dream, A unit. (There is some friction in the throat in the pronunciation of these words, and they become consonantal here. Otherwise, there is no friction when we pronounce words beginning with vowels or with ‘u’ vowels. An umbrella. An understanding .An undertaking)

 Note:  In A one Rupee coin, the sound of ‘one’ is not of a vowel, but of a consonant. (vaa)

iii.     ‘a’ is also used before the words beginning with stressed and aspirated ‘h’ :

A historic victory; a historic moment; a histrionic act.

II.          The use of ‘an’:

i.          The word ‘an’ is used before words beginning with vowel sounds.

E.g. An apple, an elephant, an Indian, an office, an umbrella

ii.          ‘An’ is used before the words beginning with silent ‘h’.

E.g. An hour, An honour, An honest man,

The use of A/An depends on the sound of the letter/letters at the beginning of the next word and not the spelling of it.

An M.A, An M. Com, An E U resolution, An S.O.S.



That country is  a heaven for the rich, a purgatory for the able,  and a hell for the poor.

The absent are guilty.

The sick and the wounded have been admitted to the hospital.


Exercise 3.1

Use ‘A’ or ‘An’ in the following: -

1.      ___________         uncle.
2.      __________           university.
3.      __________           union.
4.      __________           umpire.
5.      __________           young boy.
6.      __________           uniform policy.
7.      __________           UN order.
8.      __________           eyewitness.
9.      __________           up-to-date method.
10.  __________           unit.
11.  __________           usurer.
12.  _______­­­­­­____         usurper.


Exercise No. 9


Read each sentence, and then decide the part of speech of each bold word:

Example: After every five years, we vote in our parliamentary elections.

a)      Noun

b)      Adjective

c)       Verb

Ans. = c.

1.       During storms this heavy door rocks back and forth.

a)      Adjective

b)      Noun

c)       Verb

Ans. =

2.       This wall is made of rocks.

a)      Adverb 

b)      noun  

c)       verb      


3.       Every morning my father rocks in this chair.

a)      Adjective                

b)      adverb         

c)       verb             


4.       Chandigarh is famous for a rock garden.

a)      Noun 

b)      pronoun

c)       Adjective.

 Ans. =

5.       You must limit the amount of tea that you consume.

a)      Noun                      

b)      adjective    

c)       verb            

 Ans. =

6.       My credit limit is Rs.50,000/-

a)      Noun  

b)      adjective    

c)       verb            

 Ans. =

7.       He is left with limited money.

a)      Verb                      

b)      adverb        

c)       adjective      

Ans. =

8.       These feathers are so light that they seem to float.

a)      Adverb                  

b)      noun            

c)       adjectives    

Ans. =

9.       Please turn on the light.

a)      Pronoun                 

b)      adjective     

c)       noun   

   Ans. =

10.   He lit a cigarette only after your departure.

a)      Noun        

b)      adjective    

c)       verb  

Ans. =

11.   My daughter is the light of my life.

a)      Adjective               

b)      pronoun      

c)       noun         

 Ans. =




Exercise No. 10


Identifying the parts of speech:

Use the following codes, and identify the part of speech of each word in the following sentences: 

The code number to be given to each part of speech is mentioned. Follow this pattern for writing the answers of the next exercise.

Noun=1       Pronoun=2          Verb=3     Adjective=4        Adverb = 5    Preposition = 6

Conjunction = 7      Interjection=8

Example:  He drew many books from the shelf quickly.

He = 2        drew = 3          many = 4         books = 1

From = 6     the = 4             shelf = 1          quickly = 5


1)      A big tree stood here for many years.

2)      My old turtle never goes outside.

3)      I saw the outside of the wall.

4)      The inside paint is dull.

5)      The outside of the wall is bright.

6)      Insects can cause destruction because they are destructive.

7)      Some insects are very destructive in nature and they can destroy things quickly.

8)      Rakesh and Ravi listened to that cheerful parrot brought by me.

9)      The sky becomes very dark after sunset.

10)   I learnt much from the life of Gandhi ji.

11)   He does not have much money.

12)   I fell much better now after taking tea.

13)   These days many eatables are very costly.

14)   The cost of these things  changes often

15)   They cost less during the winter holidays.

16)   He pays Rs.100/- to me every month.

17)   Well! One must pay one’s taxes.

18)   Ravi slammed the doors unnecessarily.

19)   That slap was very harsh.

20)   Our country believes in the welfare of all.

21)   He plays most skillfully in every game.



FINDING ANY ERROR IN A SENTENCE BEGINS WITH THE PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING THE SUBJECT. Now, we have considerable knowledge about the two most vital parts of a sentence, to wit SUBJECT & PREDICATE. You can differentiate a phrase from a clause, and it will help you in knowing about the person, place, or thing about which you are talking. Now, underline’ the subject and encircle the predicate of the following sentences:


1.       Gandhi Ji preached non-violence.

Subject= Gandhi Ji. Predicate =   preached non-violence

2.        Now I shall give you a new pen.

Ans. Subject: I. Predicate: Now…. shall give you a new pen.    (Now is an adverb)

3.       These days milk is expensive.

Ans. Subject: milk.  Predicate: These days is expensive.     (‘These days’ these two words make an adverb phrase. An adverb or adverb phrase may precede the subject depending on the emphasis of it.)

4.       The boys from my school obey their teachers.

Ans. Subject: The boys from my school. Predicate: obey their teachers.


1.       Clouds thundered.

2.       Rain fell.

3.       People gathered.

4.       Traffic stopped.

5.       We eat mangoes.

6.       Some people write poems.

7.       I gathered my books quickly.

8.       My friends play football skillfully.

9.       Minerva Academy imparts military training.

10.   Lt. Col. I.S. Deol established it in 1955.

11.   He was a seasoned army officer.

12.   He was a man with might.

13.   His approach to duty was exceptional.

14.   He worked hard till the last day of his life.

15.   He taught us discipline.

16.   We get fresh food in Minerva Academy.

17.   Now I study all the subjects earnestly here.

18.   All the rooms of our academy are well furnished.

19.   Every morning we get fresh fruit

20.   Milk given to us here improves our health.

21.   Running is good for our health.

22.   Amit likes running at the track here.

23.   Our food is always fresh and tasty.

24.   I enjoy reading many magazines at this place.



Blog Posting

अगर आप अपना कोई ब्लॉग इस वेबसाइट पर लिखना या पोस्ट करवाना चाहते हैं तो अच्छी फॉर्मेटिंग के साथ एमएस वर्ड फाइल में अपना ब्लॉग लिखकर हमें ईमेल करें ईमेल में अपना नाम मोबाइल नंबर ईमेल आईडी और एड्रेस भी लिखें हमारी ईमेल आईडी है

Tuesday 23 June 2020

29 - Web Designing Question - 09


What is the correct statement when declaring and assigning the value of 100 to an integer variable called numPeople in Visual Basic?

(A)    Dim numPeople =100

(B)    Dim numPeople = Int (100)

(C)    numPeople = 100

(D)   Dim numPeople As Integer = 100

Variable Declaration in VB.Net

The Dim statement is used for variable declaration and storage allocation for one or more variables. The Dim statement is used at module, class, structure, and procedure or block level.

Some valid variable declarations along with their definition are shown here –

Dim StudentID As Integer

Dim StudentName As String

Dim Salary As Double

Dim count1, count2 As Integer

Dim status As Boolean

Dim exitButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button

Dim lastTime, nextTime As Date

Variable Initialization in VB.Net

Variables are initialized (assigned a value) with an equal sign followed by a constant expression. The general form of initialization is −

variable_name = value;

For example,

Dim pi As Double

pi = 3.14159

You can initialize a variable at the time of declaration as follows −

Dim StudentID As Integer = 100

Dim StudentName As String = "Ram"



So here correct answer is option (D) i.e.

Dim numPeople As Integer = 100 

28 - Web Designing Question - 08

Which plugin is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow?

(A)    Orbit

(B)    Slideshow

(C)    Scrollspy

(D)   Carousel

The carousel is a slideshow plug-in of Bootstrap framework for cycling through a series of content, built with CSS 3D transforms and a bit of JavaScript. It works with a series of images, text, or custom markup. It also includes support for previous/next controls and indicators.


You can create slideshow using carousel for details you can visit on this link


So Correct Answer is option (D) 

27 - Web Designing Question - 07

Which of the following Visual Basic statement will assign the value "QUICK" from the variable y to the string variable x?


(A)    x= Middle (y, 5, 5)

(B)    x= left (Y,5)

(C)    x= Mid (Y,5,5)

(D)   x= Instr (5,y, "QUICK") 


Option (A)

There is no function in VBScript of name Middle. So it is wrong

Option (B)

Left(string, no_of_char) is a text function use to extract the chars or string form the left of main string. For example

Left(“Ram Kumar”,3) will return Ram

So it is not a correct answer because we want extract chars from middle.

Option (C)

For extract chars from the middle of a string we use mid() function in VBScript

Mid(string, start, no_of_char)

Here string is the main string from which we want to extract chars

Start is the starting position from which we want to extract chars

No_of_char represent the how many chars we want to extract from the string

Mid(Y,5,5) return “QUICK” because position of Q is 5 and There are five characters in QUICK

So it is the correct Answer

Option (D)

Instr (5,y, "QUICK") is a text function it return the first occurrence of QUICK checking from 5th position so it return 5

26 - Web Designing Question - 06

Among the keywords below, which one is not a statement?

(A)    if

(B)    with

(C)    debugger

(D)   use strict

Here if, with and debugger are used in java script statement whereas “use strict” is not use in the statement.

use strict is a directive introduced in ECMAScript5. Directives are not statements because it does not include any language keywords. Also, it can appear only at the start of a script or at the start of a function body, before any real statement have appeared.


How to use the 'use strict' keyword in JavaScript?

1.      "use strict"; Defines that JavaScript code should be executed in "strict mode".

2.      It prevents you from using undeclared variables. It is like “option explicit” in VBScript.

3.      When we use “use strict” it is necessary to declare a variable before use.

4.      Strict mode is declared by adding "use strict"; to the beginning of a script or a function.

Declared at the beginning of a script, it has global scope

"use strict";

x = 3.14;       // This will cause an error because x is not declared


"use strict";


function myFunction() {

  y = 3.14;   // This will also cause an error because y is not declared



x = 3.14;       // This will not cause an error.


function myFunction() {

  "use strict";

  y = 3.14;   // This will cause an error



Deleting a variable (or object) is not allowed.


"use strict";

var x = 3.14;

delete x;                // This will cause an error


Deleting a function is not allowed.


"use strict";

function x(p1, p2) {};

delete x;                // This will cause an error 


Duplicating a parameter name is not allowed:

"use strict";

function x(p1, p1) {};   // This will cause an error


Octal numeric literals are not allowed:

"use strict";

var x = 010;             // This will cause an error


How to use the 'with' keyword in JavaScript?

The with keyword is used as a kind of shorthand for referencing an object's properties or methods.

The object specified as an argument to with becomes the default object for the duration of the block that follows. The properties and methods for the object can be used without naming the object.


The syntax for with object is as follows −

with (object){

   properties used without the object name and dot


JavaScript's with statement was intended to provide shorthand for writing recurring accesses to objects.

So instead of writing”ram”


You can write

with (a.b.c.d.e.f) {





JavaScript debugger Statement

1.      The debugger statement stops the execution of JavaScript, and calls (if available) the debugging function.

2.      Using the debugger statement has the same function as setting a breakpoint in the code.

3.      Normally, you activate debugging in your browser with the F12 key, and select "Console" in the debugger menu.

Note: If no debugging is available, the debugger statement has no effect.




var x = 15 * 5;


document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;


You all know about If statement. So here we are not discussing about if.

So Answer of this question is option (D) use strict